The Zeus Arc GTS Hub package is a complete vaporizer set which provides you with everything you need to start vaping quickly and conveniently, a perfect session from the get go.
Released in 2022, the 3rd generation ZEUS Arc GTS Vaporizer has now bee optimised for better flavour and vapour production. Still featuring a patented Goldsink Technology like its predecessor, the Zeus Arc GTS dry herb vaporizer produces even richer tasting vapour and a fuller extraction is achieved thanks to the fine tuned preset temperatures and by the high performance 3500mah rechargeable battery.
The ZEUS ARC GTS Hub includes the Zeus Xtruder which is designed to grind and to load your herb directly into the ArcPods (0.3grams) or into your device, seamlessly. Constructed out of food grade plastic, the Zeus Xtruder simplifies the grinding and loading process, skipping all the mess and all the hassle. The Zeus Xtruder automatically ejects the ArcPod once the optimal level of dry herb has been prepared and transferred.
With the GTS HUB you're free to vape your herb anywhere you seem fit. The HUB features custom cutouts for safe transportation of your ZEUS ARC GTS and its included accessories such as a loading tool and ABV tray.
What's included in the box:
- ZEUS Arc GTS Vaporizer
- Zeus Xtruder
- Flow sink tool
- Loading tool
- Purify grim wipes
- ArcPods
- Built in ABV Tray
- usb charging cable
-Glass spacer screen
- ZEUS grim sticks
- ZEUS grime wipes
- ZEUS bristle cleaners
- Stock: Product Discontinued
- Weight: 0.50kg
- MPN: 0001-252